Individual consultation

What happens during the first meeting?
Meeting: if the client decided not to remain confidential.
You present the problem that concerns you and get feedback from the psychologist. Together we understand the psychological problem: what do you want to change, what do you want to work on? The claim may change later.
The client and the psychologist decide if they want to work together and continue therapy together if needed.
The psychologist chooses the technique she will use to work with the client.
Privacy is the psychologist's most important point of ethics.
The first meeting lasts 40-50 minutes, the following meetings are 1 hour long.
If the problem is not urgent, meetings are held once a week. If the problem is really extreme, meetings are held once every two days.
The meetings are held online.
(Psychotherapy Agreement)
By using consultation services you automatically agree to the following
1. The specialist ensures the client’s personal data and private information confidentiality provided by him, as well as the confidentiality of the information about personal and professional activities provided by the client during the working sessions. The case is considered as an exception if:
a) the client gives his agreement,
b) the life of the client or another person is in danger.
2. The time calculation of the session starts exactly from the pre- arranged time(dd|mm|yyyy).
3. It is obligatory to inform the specialist in case of being late to the session in advance, otherwise 15 (fifteen) minutes after the start of pre-arranged time, the session will be considered missed automatically.
4. In order to cancel/change the date and time of the pre-arranged session it is obligatory to inform the specialist at least 24 (twenty-four) hours before the appointment.
5. In case of not being present to the session, the money will not be returned. 6. Making sure of having good internet connection during the online meetings is the client’s responsibility